Safeguarding and protection policy

Safeguarding and protection policy for children, young people and vulnerable adults


S.P.I.D has a strong track record in putting young participants’ and vulnerable adults’ safety first.  The community rooms where we work have been health-and-safety approved by Kensington and Chelsea. Adults running our projects are DBS checked in advance. Our policies are reviewed annually in accordance with best practice, local policies and procedures.  We carry out space assessments prior to every project, identifying steps that can be taken in terms of space, audience and participant management to ensure our work remains as safe as possible.

Recruitment and training of staff and volunteers
SPID ensures staff are registered with the Vetting and Barring Scheme and runs a DBS check on them. According to our line of accountability , the artistic director and head of youth and community programs have ultimate responsibility as safeguarding leads, supported by the safeguarding officer and trained first aiders.

Interview and Induction
Safeguarding policies and protocals are disseminated, understood and tested in advance to be sure that it is properly practised. Workers  training and qualifications are substantiated in advance. Our protocol for disclosure is in accordance with the Care Act 2014 duties and responsibilities, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, the Children and Families Act 2014, and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018

In case of emergency
If a S.P.I.D. worker suspects that a young person they have worked with has been or is being subjected to abuse they should not contact parents or carers (unless advised to do so by social services or police ) but should first call RBKC’s LADO officer Daniel Aqualma on 07870481712 [email protected]  or, if out of hours, Social Services on 020 7373 2227 or, if an emergency / no answer, the police on 999.  They should fill out and pass on the report form which is filed with SPID, which should include the young persons’ name, address, d.o.b. and:
• Whether or not the person making the report is expressing their own concerns or those of someone else.
• The nature of the allegation. Include dates, times, any special factors and other relevant information.
• A description of any visible bruising or other injuries. Also any indirect signs, such as behavioural changes.
• Details of witnesses to the incidents.
• The child’s/young person’s account
• Confirmation that the RBKC social services or the police have been notified.

Incidents that must be recorded
Staff should notify the safeguarding lead and fill out the report form which is filed with SPID:

 • If you accidentally hurt a participant.
• If he/she seems distressed in any manner.
• If a participant misunderstands or misinterprets something you have done.

Practices to be avoided

  • passing judgement or expressing shock if a young person confides in you
  • promising confidentiality
  • spending time alone with a young person
  • a child collection point that is outdoors rather than indoors

Practices never to be sanctioned

  • Engaging in rough, physical or sexually provocative games
  • socialising with a young person alone outside of work
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Allowing children/young people to use inappropriate language unchallenged
  • Reducing a child/young person to tears 


  • Sessions are run by a minimum of 4 staff
  • Sessions are ideally supported by 2 volunteers
  • On trips young people under 14 wear high vis vest and wristbands with the SPID number on them
  • One staff member is responsible for knowing where are children are
  • One staff member is responsible for childrens’ handover and drop off
  • A quiet separate space is identified for calming activities as needed
  • Young people are shown where to wait if they get lost

Information should be stored securely on a need to know basis only for:

  • Safeguarding leads
  • Social services/police
  • The parents/guardians of the alleged victim if advised by social services/ the police that they should be notified
  • The person making the allegation
  • The chair of the board , Sophia Ollivierre, can be contacted on [email protected] .

Support to deal with the aftermath of abuse
The British Association for Counselling Directory is available from The British Association for Counselling, 01788 550899

Steps to restrict internet access to non-suitable site to minors.
Our macs have 2 users accounts.  One for the main SPID user and one for minors. Upon start up the SPID user must log in with a password. When moving away from the computer and rendering it accessible to minors the user must put the computer to sleep as waking the computer back up requires a password. Data is deleted from the computer when no longer required by SPID. Written documents are shredded.

Policy last updated and approved by

Sophia Ollivierre
Co Chair of SPID Theatre


Charity # 1097344

Kensal House Community Rooms W10 5BQ - but based in Treverton Tower basement W10 6BG during the refurbishment of our space

Working hours: Tues-Sat 10.30-7.30

Call us on 0208 969 4570 or 07903861674

To contact Youth Programmes at SPID, contact [email protected]

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