Press & Praise

Our beautiful refurbishment has been shortlisted for the McEwan Award
News coverage of 'Class Act' by ITV Recording Kensal House
Big Issue covers SPID's 'Class Act'
SPID won an Inspire Future Generations Award Commendation for Estate Endz
SPID’s £2.6 refurbishment launches in the Stage and Standard
‘SPID is bringing hope after Grenfell,’ Time Out
SPID has been a saving grace for people affected by the fire’ Reader’s Digest
‘The theatre group rebuilding community after Grenfell,’ Time Out
Four stars for The Burning Tower from The Guardian
Coverage for The Burning Tower from: the BBC , Time Out, Theatre Weekly, and The Stage
The Burning Tower – A Guardian “Don’t Miss”
Four stars for iAM at the Bush Theatre
‘SPID takes on RBKC for housing justice’ Urban Dandy
Trellick Tales on the BBC
The Burning Tower community read through on BBC TV
Trellick Tales BBC Feature
Our award winning young people on ITV
Streets in the Sky on ITV
Four stars for The Dream from Everything Theatre and A Younger Theatre
The Burning Tower featured on RT
‘Demonstrates vibrantly how art can be an effective vehicle for change, ‘
Everything Theatre
"The moral of Class Act is clear – we can win this!" 4.5 stars from Big Issue
"A love letter to social reform," ★★★★ The Stage
"Invigorating, immersive, moving and empowering," ★★★★ Everything Theatre
"The Burning Tower’s next stop should be the Commons," says Morning Star
"The moral is clear – we can win this! Four and a half stars!" The Big Issue Review
"We're fighting to restore Kensal and to give residents a decent home," ITV news
"The rotting building is a metaphor for systemic neglect," The Big Issue News
"A love letter to estates," ★★★★The Guardian
"A passionate defence of social housing," ★★★★ The Stage Review
I asked SPID to run the community rooms in 2005 because we couldn’t manage them ourselves. If it weren’t for them, the space would still be rotting.
Ivor, Kensal Resident, SPID Project Board Member
Working with SPID is less of a job and more of a calling – I never knew community theatre could make me feel so alive.
Ivor, Kensal Resident, SPID Project Board Member
I share SPID’s vision that we are all equal- people should always work together, whatever their background is.
Anita, Kensal Resident, Refurbishment Project Board Member
SPID has been a saving grace for local people like me who lost friends to Grenfell.
Naomi, SPID Spokeswoman, Reader’s Digest
SPID has made me see North Kensington’s council estates differently. I appreciate the amazing way they bring people together!
Lecia, SPID Trustee, West Londoner
‘The free workshops at SPID were a fabulous opportunity for my daughter; we could never have afforded to pay - she went on to study theatre at Brit School!
Angie, North Kensington Resident
SPID the spider spinning its web, a safety net… where we make a stand! Spreading truth throughout this land.
Urban Dandy London
I am proud to be part of SPID’s shining example of how high quality community theatre can be.
Katie Elston, Head of Marketing at the Royal Albert Hall
We mustn’t lose these places of value – SPID is my ally in fighting the sell off of estate’s communal spaces.
Shan, Trellick Graffiti Garden
These kids are lucky to have SPID’s drama – classes that don’t cost a penny.
Russell Brand