Get Involved / Far Far Away

Youth Truth – Drama and Art

Far Far Away: Spring Season 2023

Far Far Away

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Far Far Away is our youth programme for 8-13 year olds which teaches local young people about art, community and social change and involves youth trips to museums and theatres. We run playful and creative workshops centred around encouraging young people to express themselves creatively, grow in confidence and learn new things about their local area. Participants are led by a range of creative practitioners who help them to create and bring to life original ideas through many different art forms including acting, art and animation, filmmaking, writing, comedy, design and movement workshops.

Each season of Far Far Away typically runs over three months and is loosely guided by a theme the young people are interested in. The theme is usually explored through a particular discipline, such as theatre or film. At the end of the season of workshops SPID Theatre hosts an informal showcase of the young people’s work for family and friends. Project partners in the past have included the Natural History Museum, Hilarity Academy and the Science Museum.

Young people from Far Far Away
explain the buzz!

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