

Art that Advocates Housing Justice

Living HistoryCollective ChangeYouth TruthFeeling the Love

High quality community art celebrating council estates' solidarity

SPID specialises in high quality community youth theatre on council estates. Our work is recognised for its DIY passion, prophetic passion and the fresh voices of the young people at its heart. We champion human dignity by advocating investment in social housing and reaching out to those with lived experience of housing injustice.

What Does SPID Stand for?



Estate Voices
Change Collective - Advocacy
This free program for adults gives estate residents a voice. It offers residents of social housing London wide the chance to learn advocacy skills and connect with others pushing for positive social change.


Estate Endz
Living History - Heritage & Drama
This free program for 13-25 year olds dramatises social housings’ heritage. It offers progression from our other programs and gives young people London wide the chance to interview and learn from estate residents. Committed young people then have the chance to access our Step Up opportunities in the form of paid outreach work and performance roles.


Far Far Away
Youth Truth - Drama & Art
This free program for 13-25 year olds dramatises social housings’ heritage. It offers progression from our other programs and gives young people London wide the chance to interview and learn from estate residents. Committed young people then have the chance to access our Step Up opportunities in the form of paid outreach work and performance roles.


Community Hub
Physical Activities
This free program for adults brings different people together. Its focus is local people from North Kensington and gives them the chance to learn about all our other opportunities and programs.

SPID Stands for Solidarity

Our values are those of social change: integrity, empathy, endurance, humility.

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